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Founder — Iesha Brooks.

Rose Deluxe was established in the year 2020 offering hair care products. lesha Brooks, owner and founder of Rose Deluxe, provides many different hair care products. Based out of LaGrange, Ga. Born and raised. These products are specialized for the healthiness of the hair, promotes hair growth, great moisturizers, help thickens the hair, and overall strengthens all hair type. She will also be offering different accessories to go along with her hair products.

She started her hair product journey started while working and playing with different products in her hair and thought it was a wonderful idea to start her haircare line. She started working with her chemist to come up with amazing hair products. She started seeing immediate results of growth and thickness within 2-3 weeks.

So she decided to move forward with one of her many passion. She makes her hair growth oil which is infused with dried rose petals. Why dried rose petals? It's a great natural product that can be used for many things, such as a natural conditioner, moisturizer, and preventing potential outbreaks of dandruff.

While working with her chemist to build the rest of her hair products, she discovered this is one of her passion. To help encourage people to protect, treat, and take care of their natural hair. 
How she came up with the name was fairly easy. Due to her being a Rose gold fan, she decided the name Rose Deluxe would be perfect for her deluxe hair care products. She always wanted to solely work for herself by being an entrepreneur pursuing one of her ultimate dreams in the things she has a passion for.

lesha's top goal and the famous quote is

"To Make Her Brand Bigger Than Her Vision." 
Her mission is to encourage and promote healthy hair. After extensions, braids, or even being natural, we should make sure that our real hair is also healthy and protected from being damaged or broken. 
She also states that with her vision that she helps influence others, with all hair types, to continuously flaunt their natural beauty. She wants everyone to feel beautiful and confident within themselves. 

Rose Deluxe is the next thing! 


© C O P Y R I G H T  2 0 2 1 .   R O S E   D E L U X E  • A L L  R I G H T S  R E S E R V E D. 

W E B S I T E   D E S I G N E D   B Y 

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